
Aurelius breathed in deeply and girded himself for one last push. He had been on the way to the local agora and was nearly there. The caseus that he had slavishly, but lovingly made were wearing him down. Caseus weren’t so light you know, especially when they were the well matured kind. In any case, he lifted his saccus full of caseus to his shoulder and he was off again, but not for long.

Just as he was getting going, who should appear across his path but Jason Africanus!

‘Ave! Quo vardis?’ called out Jason.

Aurelius sighed. This was the last thing he needed. Quo vardis he thought tutting to himself. Wasn’t it obvious? Were would someone usually go with a saccus laden down with well matured milk products! It is logicae!

‘I’ve got some business to attend to.’ Replied Aurelius, humouring him.

‘Well, I can see that. You must be off to sell some cheese. Why don’t you give me one? I’ll pay you later.’

Aurelius had heard that before. ‘Well, maybe on my way back, if I’ve got any left over,’ said Aurelius, hoping that he could get out of it. 

‘Ok, great! We can meet at Maximus’ tavern when you’re done.’

Aurelius realised that he might be in an even more tricky situation than he had thought. This evidently wasn’t just about caseus. Maximus’s taberna was a place of temptation. Jason loved it, but Aurelius wasn’t so sure that it was a good idea. He did like a game of billiardus but the other things that went along with it weren’t really his cup of tea. Indeed, he would much prefer a cup of tea to the ale and raucous antics that could be served up at the taberna. Not to mention Jason’s dodgy dealings.

‘I’ll probably be quite tired when I’m done, so I might just head off to my domus,’ he squirmed.

‘What? You social reject!’ retorted Jason.

Aurelius remembered why he didn’t really enjoy bumping into Jason.

‘Look, we’ll see each other at the hora decima at maximus’. Don’t be late! It’ll be fun and I want to talk to you about something….’ enticed Jason.

Aurelius began reminiscing about some of the former days and speculating about what Jason wanted to talk about. It all sounded kind of interesting and anyway, we all need a good rest after a long day of work……

There are many things in life that tempt us and often they seem subtle. Little things that don’t appear to pose any real risk. Indeed, this is how temptation began.

In the beginning, we can see that all was good, but something went wrong. God gave humans all that they needed, but there was a condition (Genesis 2:16, 17)

In spite of this condition, we see in Genesis 3 that humans didn’t stay well away from this tree so as not to be tempted. Actually, the other way around. We find them right next to it. This trend exists even to our today, rather than shying away from temptation, humans often ask themselves how close I can get to the cliff without falling off the edge. Eve even enters into a dialogue with a strange serpent.

The serpent questions what God had actually said and causes Eve to doubt God’s words and even add to them ‘and not touch it’. He proceeds to suggest that by eating the forbidden fruit Eve will gain something good that God is withholding from her. The fruit becomes desirable in Eve’s eye, and so Eve takes it and eats it, thinking that no harm will come and that she has something to gain. She even passes it on to her husband who happens to be right beside her and who also partakes of the forbidden fruit without protest.

The consequences of eating this fruit are however catastrophic. We are still feeling them today. Disharmony and brokenness enters the world; the humans seek to blame someone else, their intimacy is disturbed as they make coverings for their nakedness, not to mention try to hide from God, and God gives out punishments, resulting in the humans being exiled from paradise.

This is a good summary for temptation. It is something that looks nice. That fruit certainly looked appetizing in Eve’s eyes. Furthermore, it promised much at low cost. Eve thought that she was going to get a tasty meal, gain wisdom and not have to face any consequences. However, the reality was very different. Fortunately, we also see in this passage God’s rescue plan. Nevertheless, for a time we all have to live now in a fallen world, where temptation is the norm. Thus, the Bible contains many warnings to resist these temptations.

It was indeed a hard day of selling caseus. Aurelius gathered together his things as he packed up his little spot, somewhere forlornly strewn between meat, fabric and spice sellers that tended to litter these sorts of places. It had been an average day’s takings, but the main thing he was glad about was that the load he had to take back home was half as heavy. As he prepared himself to leave, thoughts about Maximus’ taberna began to tantalise him. It wasn’t far from where he was and after all, what harm could a bit or relaxing do? Surely, he had earned it during such a long day selling caseus!

But no, he mentally remonstrated with himself, it would spell trouble if he went there! He knows what sort of things would entice him. He resolved to not go.

As he determinedly began heading away from the agora, which was in the centre of the municipium, he felt his gaze being drawn back. He turned his head and there, in the centre of his field of view, who should it be, but Jason Africanus, of course! Aurelius stopped in his tracks.

He felt unable to continue on his set path. Jason approached.

‘Ave! Where might you be heading, amicum! I thought we had a meeting arranged at Maximus’?’

‘Well, I think arranged is a bit much said. I thought it was more just proposed,’ replied Aurelius, seeking to getting himself out of trouble.

‘Non verum! When I say hora decima, I mean hora decima! By the sun dial just over by the agora, it’s nearly that time, so let’s go!’

Jason was so convincing. Aurelius couldn’t resist. Jason’s hand on his shoulder helped. It couldn’t do any harm though could it? It wasn’t like anyone was waiting for him at his domum was it?

So, off they went, something that Aurelius would regret.


Caseus – cheese

Saccus – bag

Ave! Quo vardis? – Hi! Where are you going?

Logicae – logical (!)

Billiardus – pool (maybe!)

Amicum – friend

Non verum – don’t believe it

hora decima – tenth hour domum – house

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