Who Am I?

‚Who am I?’ is a common question that most of us ask ourselves sooner or later in life. Indeed, if we don’t think about this issue, at least subconsciously, if not more openly, we will just float through life, tossed about from right to left by each and every wave that comes our way.

Gradual Formation

Over the years, we have all actually formed some ideas about this question due to our experiences as we have grown up. The circumstances around us influence our thinking whether we like it or do. As a simple example, someone who has grown up in England will probably develop the idea that he or she is English, unless of course they have parents or extended family from elsewhere that might give rise to other ideas. In Moldova, many people’s families moved there during former days from Russia or the Ukraine and so have kept the language and traditions from whence they came, thus children born into these families can often feel more Russian or Ukrainian than Moldovan.

Obviously, there are many areas of life where we need to make a decision about who we are, not just our nationality, but also with regard to our careers, characteristics, religion and lifestyle to name a few important ones. Some of these things are given us, for example our personalities are something that we can not control or the country where we are born. Others of these we can work on and influence one way or another.

Jekyll or Hyde?

There is a well-known story about a man who actually had two identities.

 In a small town, a mysterious stranger appears, Mr. Hyde. He is not the most pleasantly behaved individual ever, and so a certain negative feeling grows in the townspeople with regard to him. There also appears to be some connection between him and the town’s respected physician, Dr. Jekyll; Mr. Hyde is seen around Dr. Jekyll’s home and they both seem to have similar handwriting.

One day there is a murder in the town. Evidently, suspicion turns towards Mr. Hyde. The investigation progresses and the conclusion of the matter is that Dr. Jekyll is found dead with a letter of confession. He admits, not to harbouring Mr. Hyde, but to being him!

He explains that he had discovered a potion that when taken frees him from his restraints thus allowing him to indulge his passions, in other words becoming Mr. Hyde. Initially, things were under control, but gradually he started turning spontaneously into Mr. Hyde. Hence, he was living as two people in one, something that proved complicated and ultimately fatal.

This fictional story nevertheless serves as a warning to us. There are indeed psychological conditions where people medically don’t know who they are. Even if we are not afflicted in this way, we can still suffer from confusion with regard to our identity.

Bad Influences

Our perception of who we are can be greatly influenced by different factors. For example, if I want to be accepted by a group of people who use bad language, I will probably start using the same language. Alternatively, if when growing up, my parents instilled in me the thought that it is important to study science, then probably I will have gone in that direction in my life.

The point is though that it is necessary for our perception of reality to correspond to reality. I may believe that I am a great football player, but if I make it my life’s goal to play for Real Madrid and invest all my time and energy in achieving that aim, I might be disappointed when I go to Madrid for a trial and find that they are less than keen to include me in their first team.

In other words, what we believe about ourselves will direct our lives thus it is essential for us to think carefully about our beliefs.

Will the Real Ben Step Forward

As a result, we can say that two things are important.

Firstly, to seek things are true, both about ourselves and also the world around. Some people claim that truth is relative, so instead of seeking it, we can just develop our own. There would be much to discuss on this point, but a simple observation would be that there are some absolute truths. For example, I know that it is not a good idea to jump out of my flat window because I can be sure of what will happen (barring miracles of course!).

For Christians, our reference point for truth is the God of the Bible. He created all things and so only from Him can we find out the truth about everything around us. We can glean some information by analysing His creation (after all this is what science is) but the ultimate picture we can only understand in the light of His revelation of it. To this end, we have the Bible which contains all the things that God wants us to know about ourselves and the world around us.

Thus it is important for us to be getting to know the Bible, otherwise we will be groping around in life in  the dark.

Secondly, it is necessary for us to put into practice what we know from the Bible. There are many people who claim to be Christians, but who never do what the Bible says, which is like me claiming to be a great footballer, but never playing football!

As mentioned already, finding out who we are is a gradual process. Indeed, we could say that maturing is exactly that; over the years discovering out more about ourselves. This is why it is important in life to get involved and try out different things. Only by trial and error can we find ourselves. However, if we want to find our true selves, it is necessary to look from God’s perspective through the prism of the Bible. Otherwise, we will be drawn to the darker elements of our sinful nature and the sinful culture around us, missing out on the real person that God created us to be, and potentially sharing in Dr. Jeykll’s fate.

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